It should be me

Fatin is

My photo
She is sixteen on 10 june 2011 . Sorry guys , i dont have a superdupergreat blog as yours . Just still read it and follow mine . For the bitch , do shut your ugly mouth . Oh hye bloggers ! :D


Semua dah tak macam dulu . Lain sangat . Guys , Its not about relationship or friends . Its about something else . Semua dah berubah . Okaaaaaaaaay , Fatin rindu macam dulu . Semua happy . Tak macam sekarang . Suram ! Macam takde orang exist weh . Entah , taktau apa yang aku fikirkan sangat ni . Macam , buat apa weh fikir sangat ?! Kisah apa kan ? Eh memanglah kena kisah weh . Aku perlu kisah pasal ni weh ! Okay dah Fatin . Stop . You have people around you . They will lend their ears to listen this . Dah tak guna nak nangis . Amir cakap , benda dah lepas . Tak boleh buat apa . Okay dah . Bye i miss my huneybunch :*